There are many reasons why you would not want to glory in your own victimhood. Some I mentioned from part one:
Most healthy cultures lived by the idea, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
Forgiveness is a healthy trait, whether you are a Christian or not, and we Christians are commanded to forgive one another. Focusing on being a victim pretty much rules out having forgiven the person.
Christians are told to count it all joy, whatever trials we go through.
But I wanted to add another big reason why you wouldn't want to go around identifying yourself by your victim status. Have you ever been around someone who complains all the time? I don't think it's pleasant...your mileage may vary. Contrast with someone who is thankful. Being around someone who appreciates what you do, or is grateful for what they is so different than being around someone who complains all the time. By focusing on the victim status, you would by definition be complaining about your unfair treatment. While someone may actually have treated you badly, even appallingly badly, making that your identifying trait can't be healthy. "This devastatingly bad thing happened to me, but I choose to be grateful for the good things that have happened to me." VS. "I am a victim. Pity poor me while I pity myself."
For Christians, God instructed us "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -- 1 Thessalonians 5
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. --Psalm 107
Of course, there are many other verses that speak of how we should be grateful to God. But when we go around saying, "Oh poor me, this bad thing happened to me." we are not being grateful. Is what you are going through worse than what Jesus endured on the cross to save you? He had most of his skin flayed off...making him look not even human anymore. He had hands and feet nailed through. He hung there in agony for hours. Any he did all that, not because he had done anything wrong, but because WE sinned, and he wished to pay the penalty for our sins, so we wouldn't have to.
So before you label yourself as a downtrodden woman, or minority race, or an oppressed class, ask yourself: "Do I want to be a complaining person, or a thankful person? Do I want to be grateful, or living in self-pity?"