Hating God

I used to hate God. It's hard to say why I was so mad at Him. He hadn't done anything to me. It's like I blamed all the bad things that happen in this world on Him. So I hated Him. I denied his existence, which didn't make any sense why I should hate this person that didn't exist.

While I was in this state, someone prayed for me. Someone shared the news that I was headed for hell. They also shared the news that though I was a sinner, Jesus the Christ died in my place, rose from the dead on the third day, and now I can have everlasting life when I put my trust in Him.

God had mercy on my and opened my eyes. I had been denying Him, but He let me know that He was real, and that I had hope in Him. He took my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh. I started being sorry for the rotten stuff I had done to others. I never thought much about it before, but I started feeling bad about it. I felt so bad, I finally realized that there was no hope if there was no God.

So I repented, and put my trust in Jesus. Now my life is completely different. I've been forgiven for the horrible things I had done. I committed the crimes, but Jesus paid the penalty in my stead. Now I am thankful, and I have hope, and joy, and peace.

These things can be yours also. It's a free gift from God.

