Put on the Life Ring

There's a whole lot of trouble in the world right now, and it's only going to get worse.  The reason for this is the world, for the most part, has turned away from God, so God is bringing His judgment on the world.  For those who will grasp for it, God has thrown a life ring into the world, so save whomever will take it and put it on.  This life ring is Jesus, the Son of God.  We in this world turned our backs on God and have done great wickedness.  We've lied, cheated, indulged in sexual immorality, murdered, etc.   God said the punishment for sin is death.  It's like we're in court and the judge just said, "You're sentenced to death.  Take this person out to be hung immediately."   But then a man walks into the courtroom and says that he will die in your place.  The judge can then let you go because the death you'd be sentenced to is paid.  Jesus died, you get to go free.  He asks that you believe he did this for you, and for you to now live in Him.  Will you accept Jesus' substitutionary death in place of your earned death?  This involves admitting that you need a savior, turning away from your evil deeds (stopping them, renouncing them...), and putting your trust in the savior that he can save you.  God wants you to trust in him, that you look to him for solutions to the problems in your life, that you trust him enough to do what he tells you to do.  Will you do it?  Will you trust in him?  Put on the life ring.

