We are on the Titanic

Have you noticed all the crazy stuff going on in the world? Floods, fires, coronavirus, threats of war, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes? We’ve seen all this stuff before, but not on this scale and not all at once. It’s a warning from God. This Titanic is going down. Get on the lifeboat now! There will be a time soon where it will be too late to escape. The stuff that will happen in the 7 year tribulation period will be so horrific...I can assure you that you don’t want to be here for it. Read the Book of Revelation. It’s easy to find..it’s the last book in the Bible.

A Prayer

Oh God, You have blessed me far beyond what I deserved

For I was wicked and rebellious

Yet you saved me and have tenderly cared for me.


How can such goodness exist? How can you love so much?

That your own Son would suffer and die in my place?

What am I that you should care for me so?


My God, You made the heavens and the earth

You gave all we needed to dwell here

All life springs forth out of your loving hands.


All the world, be still and consider the greatness of our God.

If I Could Talk to My Father One More Time…

If I could talk to my father one more time, I would tell him about what Christ did for me.  I would tell him how I was an adulterer and a fornicator and a liar and a murderer.  I would tell him how I deserved God's judgment:  the death penalty...eternity in hell.  I would tell him how God gave me a chance - He sent his only begotten son to die in my place.  I would tell him how Christ suffered, taking the punishment meant for me, dying in my place, setting me free.  I would tell him how I finally repented and had my sins washed away.  I would tell him how God has been cleaning me up since t

Tribulation is Coming

The signs are all there that the Tribulation period is about to begin. Most of the world’s population will die over the 7 years. The Bible says that if God had not cut this period short, all flesh would die. The last time that God judged the whole world, only 8 people survived.




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